Message from the Visionary
Hello. My name is Adrian Howard and I'd like to welcome you to this year’s HealthNUT 2022: Virtual Health and Nutrition Conference. We are excited to present two amazing days filled with awesome speakers, inspirational music and important conversations.
It is a true statement that "Health is Wealth!"As Chair of the Feeding Families Food Relief Program of Transformation African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, I find it very important to teach our communities about best practices in healthy eating, exercise, nutrition and wellness.
Our Story
Last year was our first health and nutrition conference. I would like to take this time to thank all of the lovely people who helped and participated in the “HealthNUT 2021” conference. It’s because of your efforts that healthy messages were received locally, regionally, nationally and internationally.
Lastly, please be our guest and join us this year and prayerfully, years to come. Please spread the word and share my GOD given vision to educate communities about the importance and knowledge of health and nutrition. May God bless you and know that GOD Loves U.
- Adrian